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Sankey diagram in MicroStrategy and Power BI

Updated: Feb 26

A sankey diagram is a visualization used to depict a flow from one attribute / object to another. As in the example it can be used to depict flow from Categories to stated.

Let's see what options we have both in Microstrategy and Power BI

First MicroStrategy:

Once having all the data prepared the task to create the Sankey visual is pretty simple:

For Power BI:

For both tools the steps are pretty straightforward althoug for MicroStrategy the visual itself seems to be a bit more visually appealing.

Sankey Visualization settings in MicroStrategy:

  1. Source and Target Metrics: You can define the source and target metrics for the flow represented in the Sankey diagram. These metrics will determine the flow of data from one point (source) to another (target).

  2. Filtering and Data Selection: You can apply filters to limit the data displayed in the Sankey visualization, focusing on specific data subsets.

  3. Sort and Aggregation: You may have options to sort the Sankey diagram based on the metric values or other attributes. Additionally, you can choose how the values should be aggregated (e.g., sum, average) when multiple records match a particular node.

  4. Colors and Styling: MicroStrategy often allows you to customize the colors, node styles, and link styles in the Sankey diagram to match your preferences or corporate branding.

  5. Labels and Tooltips: You can control what labels and tooltips are displayed for the nodes and links in the Sankey visualization, providing additional context and information.

  6. Node Size: Some versions of MicroStrategy might offer options to adjust the node size based on the underlying data values, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.

  7. Interactivity: Depending on the version and capabilities, you can enable interactivity, allowing users to click on nodes or links to drill down into more detailed information.

Sankey Visualization settings in Power BI

  1. Data Binding: Connecting source and target columns to define the flow of data.

  2. Value or Weight: Specifying the metric or value that determines the width or strength of the flows.

  3. Colors and Styling: Customizing colors, fonts, and other stylistic aspects of the Sankey diagram.

  4. Tooltip and Labels: Configuring what information should be displayed in tooltips and labels for nodes and links.

  5. Sorting: Sorting nodes and links based on different criteria, such as values or labels.

  6. Interaction: Enabling or disabling interactivity features, such as click-through to other report pages.

In Power BI links are not colored by default, the come all in grey.


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